Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday's Little Miracles

This weeks Monday's Little Miracles is very close to our heart.  This week the miracle spot belongs to Sandi.  She is my Sonya's 33 year old younger sister.  This  is a summary of her last 4 weeks:

  • May 3rd - normal day, working as a christian counselor with trouble teens, called and made a Dr. appt (had been having severe headaches)
  • May 4th - CT scan found a brain tumor the size of a lemon and she was put in ICU immediately
  • May 6th - she had brain surgery where a large portion of the tumor was removed
  • May 14th - she came home from the hospital
  • May 19th - got the pathology reports back from Johns Hopkins: Brain Cancer - Glioblastoma

Sandi started chemo on Thursday and will be adding radiation treatments to the chemo starting Tuesday.  Not only does she need your prayers, but they need donations.   Even with insurance, each radiation treatment has a $40 copay. So please go over and visit Sonya at Belly Charms and help spread the word about her sister. She needs all the prayers we can get.

Please join us : Belly Charms - The Blog, Boobies, Babies and A Blog, and My New Life As Mom in sharing Monday's Little Miracles.  Here is how you can make a difference:

  • Open your heart and link up your blog in the Linky Tool below
  • Follow the Blog in the Top Spot - This is the Miracle Slot each week
  • Donate, Pray, Comment... anything you can do to support the ones who need help
  • Copy the Button Below and place it on your sidebar 

Here is the Linky....

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mommy Brain?

I just realized that I keep saying that the Fluffy Bottoms Event starts tomorrow. It doesn't. It starts on Tuesday. Please excuse my lack of brain function and remember that it starts on Tuesday the 1st of June.

Thanks for baring with me.

Misikko Winner

Sometimes you shouldn't try and type when you have a 6m old who likes to hit random buttons on the computer. I was trying to generate the winner of the Misikko giveaway and didn't realize that somehow I had entered the wrong number for generation. I was only off by like 300 numbers. YIKES! Next time I should make sure what's being hit on my keyboard before I hit generate! Then I didn't even notice it until after it was posted! Sorry for those of you that got the first one in Google Readers.

However, I guess wanted to be fair or there was some special power trying to give this person the Misikko because it generated a new number but it's the SAME winner! It was too weird. I thought about generating a new winner but felt it was only fair to give it to her, especially after the error AND the second draw! Can't get any fairer than that! So here's the winning number:

and here's what #492 had to say:

Sheri has 48 hours to claim the prize or an alternate winner will be drawn.

Also! I wanted to send a humongous thank you to all those 764 entries that were entered! If you didn't win, I apologize, but come back very soon for the Fluffy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Event that is starting TOMORROW. There will be many more ways to win some great gifts!

Sunday's SWEET Giveaways

This week Sunday's SWEET Giveaways is going to change up a bit. Instead of only keeping this link lineup open for a day, I'm keeping it open for the entire week. So please feel free to link up your giveaways and please make sure your link is to your actual giveaway post! Not just the main page of your blog. Also, please don't post spam links. All links are reviewed and will be deleted if they go to your main page OR are spam.

Pregnancy Party & Baby Bash Event

Nicole is hosting a super fab Pregnancy Party & Baby Bash Event running from May through the end of November! How awesome is that? She will be reviewing and offering up cloth diapers, baby products, maternity products, etc. So please go over there and check out her super amazing event and grab her button to place on your sidebar. Also make sure you follow her so you can keep updated on all the amazing posts she has in the works.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Error In Google Reader

Over the last couple of days I have been getting my post ready and scheduled for next month. For some reason when I scheduled them, they started appearing in google reader as if I had posted them. Please disregard those posts. I would hate for all of next month to be spoiled due to an error.

Regardless, the giveaways don't open until next month so if you want to enter, please check back.

Thanks a bunch and I apologize for this inconvenience and error.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blog Hop Friday - Week 3

Welcome to the third edition of Blog Hop Friday, hosted by My New Life As Mom, Chubby Cheeks Thinks, Take A Mom's Word For It, Bree Bee's, This Adventure Our Life and Belly Charms!We continue to invite you and your friends to link up every Friday and join us for a wonderful blog hopping adventure! We're all about making friends and having fun so come join us! Here's how you can join in on the fun;
  • Link up to your blog, using our inlinkz link list, below.
  • Follow the host/hostesses located in the first lucky 7 slots.
  • Follow any other blogs that you feel appropriate! :)
  • Add the Blog Hop Friday button to your sidebar.
  • When following a new blog, please remember to leave a little personal comment love.
  • If you get a new follower, please feel free to reciprocate the love!

My New Life As Mom

This is a new list every week, so please remember to come back and link up, every week!

Please remember to send a little comment love when you follow someone's blog. The point of this is to gain new followers and new friends, so please take a second to send a personal comment on their latest post, something you like about their site or maybe something you find interesting.

We understand that not everyone has time to follow and comment on every Blog Hop Friday Participant, just do what you can and are willing to do. We will do the same! Take your time and go at your own pace.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I do follow every blog that I can. There are times that I am too busy to comment but I do read your posts. Please know that!

The link list is only open to add new blogs on Fridays but will be visible all week long.

Please make sure you have a way for people to follow you!

So go link up and hoppy blog hopping!

Quick Reminder

First off I wanted to send you all a big huge hug and thank you for all the well wishes and support that you've shown me over the last couple of days. Things have been slowly getting better and while it will take a lot of time to get over what happened, I'm well on my way. Thank you for showing me the love that you have. I honestly have the best readers anywhere!

I also wanted to remind you that you only have a few days left to get your extra blog entries in for the Fluffy Bottoms Event coming next month. If you want to learn how you can gain an additional 20 entries into EACH giveaway, please follow the link below.

Another thing I wanted to make sure to remind you about is a great giveaway that is going to end pretty dang soon. The Hana Professional Flat Iron - Pink Edition By Misikko is going to end on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 12pm PST! So please go get those last few entries in, now, before it closes for good!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Breaking Up

I just wanted to give you guys a little note and let you know some things have come up recently and I need to get away, take a break and clear my head a bit.

I will be back at it again soon, so please don't worry too much.

My heart is heavy and I need to clear my head so I can be back at ya full force.

I'll miss you guys and will be back, soon.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Quick & Sweet!

I wanted to give everyone a quick heads up and reminder of a few things that are up and happening on this, here, blog. Hopefully this will help you to get a few more entries in before things close up, for good.

* If you haven't entered the Hana Professional Flat Iron - Pink Edition by Misikko giveaway? You have 7 more days to get those entries in! This giveaway ends May 30th, at 12pm, PST.

* In lieu of next month's Fluffy Bottoms Event, we're giving away 20 additional entries into EACH giveaway. The best part is: You don't have to add the 20 additional entries into each giveaway! I'll add them for you. You can't beat it! You only have until May 31, 2010 to get those in, before they close. Make sure you click here to get the details on how to earn the addition entries.

Are you looking to get a bit more entries into your giveaway? Please feel free to link up your giveaways below!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Word To The Wise

I just wanted to let you all know that in regards to Blog Hop Friday, I do follow every single blog via google friend connect. If I don't follow you, there is a reason why.

The reason why, being... I can't seem to find your GFC anywhere. What's GFC, you ask? Google Friend Connect.

If you sign up for our Blog Hop Friday, please have a way for our readers to follow you.

If you don't have a google friend connect but would like one, click the following link.

If you just added a google friend connect to your blog and would like a follow, please just let me know. I'd be happy to!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Monday's Little Miracles - Prayers Needed

As many of you know, this post should be scheduled for Monday, but as you'll soon see, it couldn't wait. Each Monday, Belly Charms dedicates her Monday post to a special someone who is need of a desperate miracle. This coming week's post was scheduled early in light of Ducky's sister who had brain cancer. She was schedule to have the tumors removed and just pasted away leaving behind a FIVE YEAR OLD little boy. A little boy whom no longer has a mom. I can't imagine what their family is feeling nor do I ever want to. This was a very sudden thing and it's devistating, to say the least.

What I am asking of you is to please go over and give Duck your prayers and well wishes. Be her miracle in this time of need. We may not have been in time to save her sister but I will be damn sure that she knows that we're here to be there for her.

oh and make sure you link up over at belly charms, too, for the rest of those who need miracles as well!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Hop Friday - Week 2

Welcome to the second edition and special edition of Blog Hop Friday, hosted by My New Life As Mom, Chubby Cheeks Thinks, Take A Mom's Word For It, Bree Bee's, This Adventure Our Life and Belly Charms! This week we would like to add a special cause to Blog Hop Friday. As many of you know, Mission Monkey is spreading like wildfire. She's a 16 month old baby girl who has cancer. She needs every single prayer, special thought, special wish, etc, that we can gather up. She will sit in our top spot, so please make sure to link up to her, as well. We continue to invite you and your friends to link up every Friday and join us for a wonderful blog hopping adventure! We're all about making friends and having fun so come join us! Here's how you can join in on the fun;
  • Link up to your blog, using our inlinkz link list, below.
  • Follow the host/hostesses located in the first lucky 7 slots.
  • Follow any other blogs that you feel appropriate! :)
  • Add the Blog Hop Friday button to your sidebar.
  • When following a new blog, please remember to leave a little personal comment love.
  • If you get a new follower, please feel free to reciprocate the love!

My New Life As Mom

This is a new list every week, so please remember to come back and link up, every week!

Please remember to send a little comment love when you follow someone's blog. The point of this is to gain new followers and new friends, so please take a second to send a personal comment on their latest post, something you like about their site or maybe something you find interesting.

We understand that not everyone has time to follow and comment on every Blog Hop Friday Participant, just do what you can and are willing to do. We will do the same! Take your time and go at your own pace.

The link list is only open to add new blogs on Fridays but will be visible all week long.

So go link up and hoppy blog hopping!


Kady, over at Take A Mom's Word For It was gracious enough to award me with a supah sweet award the other day and I wanted to make sure to show her the love, as well. So a super huge thanks to Kim!

Here's my award:

Isn't she the sweetest?!

Now here are the rules for winning such a precious little award:

  • Write a blog post and send some love to the person who sent it to you.
  • Put the award on your blog.
  • Nominate more SWEET bloggers and leave them some comment love to let them know you did.
So who do I nominate? I'm sure you're curious!
All three of these ladies are amazingly sweet and you should REALLY check them out.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Making me a grumpy mama!

I don't know what the hell is going on with Blogger but all my comments have been getting errors. I can receive them all to my email, however, when I try to moderate them, I seem to be getting an error code. It won't go away and when blogger tells you to contact their "help group" for information, it doesn't 'help'. There have been a tremendous amount of bloggers who have gotten the same error code over the last couple months and all have asked for help or what not and NOT one of them was replied to with help. So much for a 'help' group.

So please be patient. If you do comment I DO see it and will post it. I may just have to add a little extra text underneath stating, *added by author due to moderation error*.

Thanks for your patience and I apologize for the inconvenience.

In other news, sign up for 20 extra entries into EACH giveaway next month! Learn more, here!

Fluffy Bottom Cloth Diaper Event: BONUS ENTRIES!

As many of you may know, next month, we will be hosting a month long cloth diaper event. Fluffy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Event isn't just any other cloth diaper event. This event is to shed some light on cloth diapers. Styles of cloth, price comparisons, common misconceptions and more importantly, how to care for them. Not only will we shed a little light on the fluff, but we'll also be giving away some pretty freaking fab prizes!

There will be plenty of ways to enter each giveaway and I would love for you to have as many chances as possible. With that said, I would like to give you a few extra days to earn a few extra entries!

If you write a blog post and include a few things, for me, I would love to give you 20 extra entries into EACH giveaway. AND you won't have to post 20 times to get those entries!!!! I know my readers are BUSY super fab moms and it's enough that you have to enter the other dozen and a half entries.. so if you link back here, to your blog post. I will enter those entries, for you. Here's what I need it to include:

* My name. Stephanie
* My blog name. My New Life As Mom
* The event name. Fluffy Bottoms Cloth Diaper Event
* The event timeline. June 1-30, 2010
* A short explanation of the event. A month long cloth diaper event shedding some light on cloth diapers. Styles, price comparison, misconceptions and GIVEAWAYS!
* Share the bonus entry love! Write a blog post regarding the giveaway.
* Make sure you direct them here for all rules and requirements.

Oh and it doesn't have to include all that, word for word. Feel free to write your own post with your own words, thoughts and excitement, ha ha! I just wanted to give you a general idea of what to include.

You have until May 31, 2010 at 12pm PST. to get all your blog posts posted AND to have your comment submitted here, linking up to your post.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CSN Review Coming Soon!

Recently I was contact by Ashley from CSN, requesting that I host a review on my blog. I was super stoked at the opportunity and I am very excited to bring you a super cool review, coming up! If you don't know much about CSN stores, you're missing out! CSN is an amazing online retailer with over 200 stores all in one place. They have anything from high chairs, sofas, patio furniture, games, kitchenware and much much much more!

The item that I'm bringing to you is an item that I've been looking for, for a while and I am super excited that Ashley agreed to let me review it. I don't want to tell you what it is because I want you to come back and check it out. I just wanted to give you a sneak peek at a pretty great review coming up!

So please come back soon because I can assure you.. if you have kids or know someone who does, you'll love it. And if you've got a minute.. feel free to check out CSN stores!

Taking A Look Back

Last Wednesday, my son turned 6 months old. (SIX.MONTHS.OLD!) That's half a year, people! How the heck could it have been half a freggin year since I was in the delivery room pushing his huge head out my reproducing goods? It's funny how it feels like yesterday.

Not only does it represent his six month birthday, but it also represents six months that I've breastfed. Go me! I often wondered if I'd ever make it and I'm happy to say that I've definitely made it six months. It certainly hasn't been a piece of cake but I wouldn't change it for anything.

Since I suck and haven't posted his six month letter and update, yet, I thought I'd try to distract you from that show you some pretty cute pictures, instead. Enjoy the look back! This is the VERY first time that I have laid his pictures up next to each other to look at the growth and it's amazing to think that he looks so different but still my little boy, all in the same. How crazy time flies!


One Month

Two Months

Three Months

Four Months

Five Months

Six Months

My precious boy, how I love him so!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monday's Little Miracles - Week 1

Please take a moment to join me over at Sonya's blog Belly Charms. Her, Jana and I are on a mission to bring little miracles to those in need, by starting Monday's Little Miracles.

Monday's Little Miracles is not about getting followers. It's about spreading support, prayers, love and donations to those truly deserving. The top spots on this miracle blog hop will be for those who need it the most and we encourage each and every one of you to join in on our linky fun, every Monday. If you know someone who needs help, please add them or email one of us and let us know. We will be happy to pass on the linky love.

Please join us : Belly Charms - The Blog, Boobies, Babies and A Blog, and My New Life As  Mom in sharing Miracle Monday.  Here is how you can make a difference:
  • Open your heart and link your blog up in the Linky
  • Follow the Blog in the Top Spot - This is the Miracle Slot each week
  • Donate, Pray, Comment... anything you can do to support the ones who need help
  • Copy the Miracle Monday Button Below and place it on your sidebar 

Grab the code!

Sunday's Sweet Giveaways

Another Sunday has come and gone as well as many amazing giveaways. Please take the time to link up to your giveaways, here, so we can make sure we stop by to enter!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Hana Professional Flat Iron - Pink Edition By Misikko - Review & Giveaway

Growing up I've always had problems with my hair. I have horribly thick hair that can't decide if it wants to be curly or straight. It's very wavy and very coarse. Growing up, i hated it. There were times when I wished I could just shave it.

Now that I'm older, I've learned how to take care of my hair and make it look half decent. It's been a lot of trail and error, advice and money spent. I've purchased hair creams, lotions, sprays, flat irons, curling irons, on and on and on. It's been out of control.

After the birth of my son, I've been feeling the itch for something new. Something stylish. Something easy. Something fun but classy and sophisticated. I contacted a very good stylist and made an appointment. She made me feel awesome. She gave me a GREAT cut and styled it to perfection.

The problem is... how do I recreate this style? I have an outdated flat iron and I knew that once I showered, my hair was never going to look the same again. I was at a lost for what to do.

That's when Misikko came to the rescue. They contacted me about reviewing their Hana Professional Flat Iron in the Pink Edition. I was stoked. I couldn't wait for it to get here and get started. It arrived fairly quickly and I immediately ran to the bathroom and started on my hair.

When I opened the package, I was taken back. It was deliciously styled for any person or hair stylist. It included a few extra goodies for me and a few roses to seal the deal. I loved it. I felt like I was important and loved the freebies!

When I got out of the shower, I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous about the thought of recreating my hair style, again. I was nervous that it wasn't going to come out right and that I was going to be disappointment. I wanted it to come out perfect... so badly! I threw my nerves out the window and got started.

With damp, towel dried hair, I apply a good quality hair lotion and blow it dry. Once it's dry I use a hair band and hold 80% of my hair up while using the flat iron on the bottom 20%. Then once that is straight, I drop down another 20% and straighten that portion. After It's all done, I brush through it once again and use the flat iron on any pieces that I might have missed. Then spray a good quality hair wax in to add a little texture and go. From start to finish it takes me about 20 minutes! I am very happy with the results and I wouldn't go back.

The thing I love about this flat iron is that being a mom I don't have much time to think about doing my hair. I need it go be in, out and done in about an hour or else it isn't going to work. Thankfully, Misikko has helped me accomplish just that with their super fast heat time. It heats up in approximately 30 seconds which lessens my prep time and lessens the amount of energy I'm using while I'm waiting for it to heat up. Makes me feel much nicer!

Hana Pink Edition Features:

  • Advanced Tourmaline Ceramic Plates for Accelerated Ion Generation and Maximum Frizz-Free, Conditioning Shine
  • Ceramic is naturally hygienic, protects color & retards fading
  • Gorgeous Pink Color
  • Floating 1” Plates Auto-Adjust To Glide Over Any Hair Texture
  • Curved Plate Edges For Versatile Styling - Curl, Flip or Straighten!
  • Adjustable Temperature Dial - 5 Settings from 140-410° F for All Hair Types
  • Flash Heats in Seconds with Instant Compensation for Heat Loss
  • Ergonomic Handle Design with No-Slip Grip
  • Smooth Grooves Keep Hair Strands Separate and Snag-Free
  • Tangle-Free Salon Quality Cord Swivels 360°; Convenient Hanging Loop
  • Energy Efficient at 38 Watts
  • Independent On/Off Switch
  • Includes Luxe Heat Proof Storage Pouch, Heat Proof Silicone Mat, & Special Edition Tin Case
  • Two Year Warranty

Buy!  This flat iron is well worth the money and the time for perfectly straight hair, every time!  Misikko also offers other great products, such as; professional hair dryers, curling irons, hair care products, makeup and skincare products, as well as the best flat irons. There really is something for everyone and every hair type.

If you would like to have a Hana Professional Flat Iron for yourself or someone you love, you have a few different options of doing so!

Buy It! Visit Misikko and purchase this great flat iron for $154.99! You will also receive a free silicone iron mat and heat proof storage pouch as well as a free extended 2 year warranty!
This contest is CLOSED!
Congrats to the winner, Sheri!

I would like to send a special thank you to Misikko for providing the Hana Professional Flat Iron - Pink Edition for review as well as for donating the giveaway items. I was not compensated in any other way and the statements within this post are of my own mind and are my honest opinions.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

You've been chosen!

The Lullabies By Request giveaway winners have been chosen.
Were you one of them? Here they are!!!

The first winner is:

and she said:

The second winner is:

and she said:

The third winner is:

and she said:

The fourth winner is:

and she said:

and the fifth and final winner is:

and she said:

Congratulation to all of the winners! If you didn't win, don't worry! We have MANY more giveaways coming very soon! The more you play, the more chances you have to win!

*all winners have 48 hours to confirm their prize or an alternate winner will be chosen*

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Get those last votes in!

Here's your last chance to get those last few votes in! Lullabies By Request Giveaway is ending today (Friday 5/7) at 12 o' clock pm PST! If you haven't entered yet, please do! There's plenty of ways to get in on the action and there will be five, repeat FIVE winners, so your chances of winning are VERY good!