Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Junior - 06/06/2009

Dear OUR Precious Little Baby Boy,

Today we got to meet you. You as in the REAL you. No longer will we assume that we know your gender, just from personal assumption. We KNOW!!!

You are a little boy, OUR little boy. I never coule have imagined what it would belike to be a Mommy, then you granted me that wish. You chose to stick around and stick it out, with us as your family. We're forever grateful. I never could have imagined what it would be like to have a son, then you granted me that wish. You became a boy and have grown into a wonderful little boy, inside the comfort of my belly. I am forever grateful!

So many things have changed since we found out that you are a boy, not only a boy, but you are a B-O-Y!! You are ALL boy and so freggin cute, at that. You have amazed us in so many ways and I can't wait to continue watching you grow strong and bless us with your presence.

I am amazed with all the things you've accomplished in such a short amount of time. You've grown from something the size of a poppy seed to OUR little boy, who's now almost a pound.

Your Daddy and I thoroughly enjoyed watching you on ultrasound, today. It was amazing, for me, to see you kick on the ultrasound screen and feel you kick, at the same time. It gave us just a glimpse at your life "on the inside". Daddy was very impressed with the ultrasound, this time. Over the last couple of visits, Daddy hasn't been able to see very much, as ultrasound images confuse him. This time, however, he was able to view a lot! He often shouted out what he thought he saw and 90% of the time, he was correct!

Your Daddy and I, both, were extremely amazed to find out that you were a boy... a B.O.Y! Everyone in our family, including myself, really believed that you were a girl. Not because we wanted you to be a girl, but because there have been SOOOOO many girls born in our family. You may not know this, yet, but your Uncle J, Mommies brother, was the only boy born in the family, in that generation. Then, Uncle J had a son, your cousin JJ, then Mommy got pregnant with you. Your grammy is VERY happy to have the ONLY boys in the family. She's a very special lady, that's for sure.

Well my little man, Mommy loves you more than you could ever imagine!! Up to the moon and way past the stars. I love you with everything I have!

Your Mommy.

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