Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yo Tweeps Twaffic Exchange

Play along and increase your Twitter traffic at the same time! Here's how:

1. Follow the first  FOUR  Twitter Twaffic hosts listed on  the linky.   Netiquette and courtesy!   They'll reciprocate your love on twitter!

2.  MAKE A BLOG POST LIKE I  am doing.   Copy and Paste these directions INTO IT.

3.  Grab the YO Tweeps  Twaffic Exchange Button pictured (above).   Put him in your post.\

4.  Encourage your readers to come to our page and grab the button, too!


^^ click to follow me ^^

5.  Put  YOUR OWN  twitter icon  or simply a link on your blog post like I did. It should directly link to your TWITTER PROFILE.

6.  Now link up the post that you just wrote to the linky, located here!!

7.  Visit some other #YOtweeps linkers on the list.

8.  Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter,  that you are following so they can instantly follow you if they're on.

@personsname #yotweeps  I'm following! 

9. If someone follows you JUST reciprocate on twitter.  It's that easy.

10.  You have to have a BLOG POST to do this.



p.s. is AWESOME and makes this game  of twitter SO MUCH EASIER and fun.

April Showers Er Um Giveaways!

Are you into winning a month full of giveaways?! Then you need to head on over to April Showers Blog Design! She's got a month FULL of giveaways and I'm sure it'll be something you guys will love!

So head on over, right now. NOW. YES, go now!
Make sure you follow her so you can make sure you're first on the list to receive word of her new giveaways.

(after me of course, ha ha ha! because I'm cool like that.)

April Showers Blog Design


You Simply MUST

If you haven't seen SugarPopRibbon's Giveaway that was posted today, you must head over now. I want this bag so bad. It's the CUTEST... EVER. And so functional!! What more could you want?!

Kemby Sidekick


WondaWedge Giveaway WINNER!!

She said:
I would love the WondaWedge in lime green.

Please send me your info and I would be happy to get that sent out to you!

mylifeasmom [at] gmail [dot] com


The Count Down

Final warning!!!

There are 6 hours until the WondaWedge giveaway closes!

If you haven't entered it, yet. Go now, hurry!



Wordless Wednesday: Eddapent

As long as he has "Eddapent" he's happy.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


If I've linked up to your blog lately on Wordless Wednesday and entered a giveaway link, I appologize about that. I copied the wrong link and wasn't paying attention.


How GREEN is your blog?

Over the past year, I've committed myself to finding "greener" ways to live life. Using reusable grocery sacks when going to the store (when I remember to bring them with me), using cloth diapers instead of disposable - along with cloth wipes. Trying to find any reusable alternatives to the products that we use everyday. It's not always the easy choice, but I feel it's the best choice.

This morning, I was contacted by Christin from the initiative "Make It Green". Here's a little bit more about their work.
Our goal is to contribute our part in reducing the carbon footprint by raising awareness of the severe environmental damage caused by carbon emissions . One of our activities is to raise awareness of the carbon emissions resulting from the use of the internet - specifically of blogs. A blog with 15,000 visits a month has a yearly carbon dioxide emissions of 8lb. To neutralize these emissions we have created "My blog is carbon neutral" buttons so bloggers can demonstrate that they care about the environment and the carbon footprint of their blogs. We present them a small but nonetheless worthy solution to contribute to environmental issues. Our idea is to show possibilities to make a contribution to protect the environment.
Now you may be wondering, How in the heck will a little button on my blog help reduce my carbon emissions?  Well, here's how.

We are planting trees in cooperation with the Arbor Day Foundation in Plumas National Forest in Northern California for our project to neutralize the carbon footprint of blogs. Thousands of wildfires burned down many national forests over the past ten years and 88.000 acres of Plumas' were destroyed by two fires in 2007. To help replanting we need the support of bloggers all over the world! For every participating blog we plant a tree. One blog - one tree.
By placing a button on your blog (blogging about it and emailing the company to let them know where your post is and where the button is located) the kaufDA is planting a tree in your name, therefore neutralizing your carbon emissions.

Why do they do this?
We are a German based company called kaufDA, which provides advertisement brochures of local stores online to help consumers search for specific products and find good deals in their neighborhood. This reduces the amount of brochures printed and so the project helps the environment by reducing unnecessary paper in mailboxes. An American on average receives 41 pounds of junk mail per year. This has the same carbon footprint as burning six gallons of gasoline.
I am committing myself, to help neutralize my carbon emissions. Problem is.. with as much as I'm on the computer, they'd probably need to plant a whole forest. But I digress. Here's my pledge to helping neutralize my blogs carbon emissions.

carbon neutral coupon with

Would you like to learn how to reduce your carbon emissions with a simple click of a button? Please click HERE to learn more!


Post-It Note Tuesday 3

It's PINT over at SupahMommy! Make sure you head on over there to link up!












Monday, March 29, 2010

Because Im Awesome

Make sure you head on over and check out my feature Q&A on Cindy's blog; This Adventure, Our Life. It was an awesome experience and you should totally go check it out.


Because I'm awesome, that's why.

Thanks a bunch! You're awesome, too!


Additional Entries

If you would like to win additional entries in the WondaWedge Giveaway, here's how you can do so!

10 BONUS Entries: Add my button to your blog and leave a link (and directions) to where I can find it. (or, if you already have it, let me know that you already do!)

10 BONUS Entries: Add The Baby Food Exchange button to your blog, leave a link and directions to where I can find it or let me know if you already do.

10 BONUS Entries:  Subscribe to The Baby Food Exchange via email or let me know if you already do.

10 BONUS Entries: Follow The Baby Food Exchange via Google Friend Connect or let me know if you already do.

NOTE: If you're going to submit extra entries for the giveaway, please see the Giveaway post!

CLICK HERE to take yourself back there.


Yikes! Updated!

As you can tell I've been updating my background (again, I know.) But for some reason it has deleted a few of my tools and my comments. I'm trying to get it fixed, now, so please bare with me. 

Updated to add: I FIXED IT!

- Stephanie

Easter Creations

Before you have kids, there are many things that you don't even think about. Many of which slap you in the face before you even have a chance to think about it.

This is what happened to me, recently. Easter is coming up and I guess I have to get an Easter basket for my son. Um yeah! CRAP! How in the heck do you find an Easter basket for a 5 month old little boy? This was not going to be an easy task. I started looking online and when I couldn't find anything that would work for him, I decided to make my own.

I researched and came up with a plan. My theme would be to find things to put in his basket that would be reusable after Easter.

Instead of an Easter themed basket, I found one that would work to put on his dresser, after Easter, to hold socks, shoes, burp rags, etc.

His nursery theme is "Bunny Meadows" (see photo below), so it's not unusual to see bunnies throughout THE MONKEY's room. The bunny that we put in his basket is rather plain, only having a small Easter colored paw prints. It will work wonderfully in his room, afterword.

Then, instead of using Easter grass, we decided to put in a blanket, one that we can use after Easter. Instead of jelly beans, chocolates and other goodies, we put in our own goodies of sippy cups, spoons, socks and a lullaby CD. It was much better than getting him something that he wouldn't be able to have for a very long time. We also got an egg coloring kit, to color Easter eggs, and some fake eggs to have his first Easter Egg hunt, with. I am so excited!



Sunday, March 28, 2010

Three, Two, One

There are only 3 days left in the WondaWedge giveaway! If you haven't entered yet, you should! You can receive one for FREE and all you have to do is go to the WondaWedge site and let me know what color you like!
*open to additional entries - See post for details.

- Stephanie

Pretty Great Giveaways

Here are some pretty great giveaways that I've found lately! If you have any extra giveaways that you'd like to link up to.. please feel free to add them in Mister Linky!

 Oh and of course I would love to win all of these items to use on myself and my new little man. I love trying out new products and love to share my opinions with you guys.

- Stephanie

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Share Your Dirt Saturday

I have met so many new friends over the last couple weeks. Many of which follow my blog and many more of which I follow. I thought it would be fun to have a day specifically for sharing. What you ask? Details, of course! The nitty gritty. The deep down dirty. The soap scum on the bathtub, dirty. The paw prints on the floor kind of dirty. The kind of dirty that would get you smacked by your Momma.

If you want to participate, I would encourage you to do so! Make sure you link back, here, so others can view your dirt, too. 

Here's how to play:

1. Answer my dirt question.
2. Post your dirt question on your blog.
3. Come back here to link up to Mister Linky.
4. While you're here, choose a blog or two to answer their dirt questions.

Today's Dirt: How many times did it take you to pass your driver's test?

My Answer: Once!

- Stephanie

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Aloha Friday #4

Friday... once again! YAY! Make sure you head on over to Kailani's and answer her question, too, after you answer mine, first, of course! Oh and if you play along, make sure you link back so I can visit and answer your question.

Today's Question:

If you could have a famous chef cook a meal for you; who would it be and what would you request of them?

photo courtesy of Rachael Ray
If I could have a famous chef cook for me, I'm pretty sure I'd have Rachael Ray cook for me. She's so laid back and funny, it couldn't be a bad dinner, I'm sure. I also love the things she makes and the way she makes them. I love how she's always aware of what her "clients" (ie: the people she's cooking for) like and what their preferences are. She's aware of allergies and favorites. I love it.

As for what I'd request of her? Oh geesh. I don't know. She makes so many good things, I'd just be happy she was cooking for me. Who cares what she would make! 

- Stephanie

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post-It Note Tuesday 2

Once again it's Post-It Note Tuesday over at SupahMommy. Make sure you head on over there if you want to play along! Oh and let me know, if you are. Because, you know.. I think I'd like to come over and see whacha said.

- Stephanie

Monday, March 22, 2010

Passion O Mine UPDATED

If anyone knows me, they know that I have many passions. My son. My husband. My family. My friends. Cooking. Painting. Scrapbooking. Photography. Blogging. Facebook. Twitter. Cloth Diapering. Crafts. Anything that has to do with art is a passion of mine. I simply love it.

Another passion of mine is creating a healthier environment for my son. Finding things that we do on a daily basis and trying to find alternatives to do it in a simpler, healthier way. One of these passions, is finding recipes for homemade baby food. Anything from homemade applesauce to ground meat dishes. Anything and everything in between.

I've researched and researched and browsed and hunted. Trying to find any and all recipes that will help in my journey to make my own baby food for my little monkey man.

I've created a new blog that does just that. The Baby Food Exchange is a blog created for those who share the same journey. Looking for healthy alternatives for our children. Providing wholesome recipes to their children who are learning to eat solid food. Every recipe is categorized by ingredients, as well as it is labeled with the proper age it should be administered.

I just wanted to share that resource with you all and if you have any questions, please feel free to comment over there and let me know. I'm happy to post your own recipes or share any that you have. Feel free to look around over there for more details. Let me know if you have any questions.

Updated to add: I've also included the "Four Day Rule" and why it's implemented. When we suggest starting solids, how to freeze baby food AND the age recommendations regarding when it's safe to feed different foods.

Check it out!

- Stephanie

Just Another Manic Monday..

Okay, that title was just plain cheesy. Seriously.

Regardless, there isn't much time to blog today. The boy is napping. I am stinky. I need a shower. Period. The husband is tearing down the house fixing a shelf in the corner. The dog is outside. The sun is shining. The house is quiet. I need a shower.

I really need to do some shopping online, too, but I'll have to save that for later because...

I need a shower.

- Stephanie

Friday, March 19, 2010

Flashback Friday

This was back in 2007. Now I know that isn't that long ago.. but it sure seems like it. This was before we started IVF, before we moved to Oregon and before we got pregnant. So much has happened in one year that this... seems like forever ago.

- Stephanie

Five Question Friday

It's Five Question Friday over at My Little Life so make sure you head on over there to link up to yours! Just as soon as you answer my questions, first, mmmkay?

1. Have you ever had a celeb sighting?
Yes! Actually, it's quite coincidental but I have a photo that is going to be posted a little bit later, today, for proof. I wrote and scheduled the blog, yesterday. Weird, i know!

2. What temperature do you keep your house?
I'd say it's a nice warm low 70's. I can't go much colder or much warmer since we have the little man but I find that temp to be perfect, anyway.

3. Do you notice dust at other people's homes?
Heck no! Unless it's massively overwhelming, like can't see anything because it's COVERED in dirt, but I've never seen that before, so I guess what I'm trying to say is... ummm... no. I don't even dust my own house.. tee hee.

4. What's the worst job you ever had?
I've actually loved every job that I've had! THANKFULLY. I don't really have a bad one. I mean, sure, there have been some horrid days, but overall, I've loved all my jobs.

5. What is your most sentimental possession?
I'd say the pictures from the delivery of our son. Those are the best.

If you would like to play along and have a blog, make sure you head on over to Mama M's and link yourself up. You might even get a few new readers in the process!

If you would like to play along and DON'T have a blog, feel free to just leave a comment in my super cool little commenty section, there, down below.

Oh and if you do play along, please make sure to let me know so I can come stalk you  read your answers.

Aloha Friday #3

Once again it's Aloha Friday over at Kailani's. So make sure you head on over to her blog and answer her question. AFTER you answer mine and post your own. Remember to let me know if you got yours up so I can return the favor!

If you had $500 to spend on whatever you wanted, what would you do with it?

First, I would go buy THE MONKEY some more cloth diapers, then I would buy his entertainer and his highchair. THEN I would go visit my sister in law, brother and my new little nephew who was born yesterday at 8:15pm! Welcome to the world little man! If I had money left over after that, then I would go see my mom and her husband.

- Stephanie

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Gift To Give

Make sure you check Eliza's super cool giveaway that any mother or grandmother would love. You could give it for Easter, wait till Mother's day (may!) or just give it as an everyday gift to someone you love.

 Postcards From Parenthood

- Stephanie

A Definite Must See

A must see. A must read. A must enter! For all! If you don't want them, give them to me. For sure! I'd love you forever and ever and always. At least go over and enter one entry, even if you don't necessarily want them. I do.

Head on over to Diana's at Hormonal Imbalances and enter her amazing giveaway for Thirstie's Cloth Diapers!! $170 worth of products!! Are you kidding me?! That's nuts! You have to enter.. yes, yes you do!

- Stephanie

Diaper Duty

It's now been a full day of exclusively cloth diapering and I have to say... it's been a whole lot easier than I thought! I simply love the way that his little bum looks in his bright and colorful diapers. I love how he looks a little chubby in the butt. It makes me crack up.

Our first purchase was:

2 - BumGenius
2 - KnickerNappies
2 - FuzziBunz

I am happy to say that KnickerNappies are from the SAME town (or very very close) to where I live. Buying local is always a plus. I can't say, right now, which one is my favorite, just yet, as I love them all, for different reasons, of course. Here they are and yes, it's a list, because I'm lazy like that.

BumGenius - I LOVE the fit on these. I love how they just hug his little body so perfectly. What I wish they had was snaps, instead of velcro. If they had snaps, these would probably be the ones that I'd buy the most of.

KnickerNappies - I LOVE the flat front of these. I love the snaps and I love the fit. What I do have to say, though, is that they are a little tricky to button up snug, because they button on the sides. ie: top down, instead of bottom up like normal diapers. (see photo below) This will be wonderful when I have a toddler who wants to rip his diaper off, however, now, with a wiggly little baby, it's a little more difficult to snap up tight. Another thing I want to add is the fact that you have to make sure the side flaps are overlapped good or else it will bunch the front up. However, I think this will change as he gets a bit bigger and the side flaps aren't as large around his front side.

FuzziBunz - I love the size, I love the snaps and I love the front snaps. There really isn't anything that I don't like about them. If I had to change one thing, I would ask that they put some elastic on the back flap to kind of hold it down like knickernappies, but I'm not going to be picky.

I think we'll be getting more, very soon! Of which ones, I'm not exactly sure, yet.

- Stephanie

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday: Take 2

Can we just skip this post, this week? I didn't do so well. We've had friends over, we had pizza, we've had lasagna... twice! We've had brownies, although those were low fat AND made with applesauce instead of oil. So in reality, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I just didn't loose any weight. Ugh. Unless you count .2 of a pound. yeah. This sucks.

Start: March 9, 2010
Weight: 140.2 lbs
Goal: 135lbs
By: April 13, 2010

Week 2: March 17, 2009
Weight: 140.0 lbs
Goal: 135lbs

Total Loss: .2lbs

So to distract you of my failures... i give you this:

Who told him it was a tooth brush?

If you haven't entered our current giveaway, please do so!!
It's free and easy to enter! Click here to learn how!
Canadian's are welcome to enter, too!

Where's your green?

 My son must LOVE his new cloth diapers because he completed his first 360* roll, today! 
YAY! Go my lucky charm!

 BTW, we LOVE our new BumGenius'!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Taking The Plunge

Since the economy has taken a turn for the worse, Senior and I have evaluated our bills and monthly spending's to see where exactly we could slim down our monthly budget. After all, we now have a baby and we need to save money for things like college food.. Yes, I said food. Have you ever tried to feed a teenage boy? Yikes.

In all seriousness, we've moved into a cheaper house, we drive the car instead of the truck (to get better gas mileage) and use coupons to save on every day purchases. We also utilize our local Costco and farmers markets, when in season. We try to make things from scratch instead of buying whole as it's usually cheaper.

The other day, when I was reading Cynthia's blog: This Adventure, Our Life, she got me thinking... Why would I spend thousand's of dollars to expose my son to harmful chemicals and fill up a landfill with a ton of unneeded, stinky garbage that will take hundreds of years to decompose? What am I thinking? Am I not trying to save money during this crappy recession? Why would I throw thousands of dollars on something that I won't be able to re-use, at all? Not for him. Not for future kids. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

After Cynthia's post, I couldn't help but start researching cloth diapers. I'm one of those people who are all about convenience but after researching, I couldn't help but worry about what I was putting on my son's skin. What I was exposing him to and what I could be causing. It's worrisome, that's for sure. I did my research and talked with a few friends, then submitted the idea to Senior. He's a little apprehensive about the idea because the last time he's seen a cloth diaper, it used HUGE death pokers safety pins to keep them in place. The last time he changed a cloth diaper was almost 30 years ago, HA!

I showed him what cloth diapers look like, now and his response was, "Wow! Those are cool! Things certainly have come a long way since I've used them!" This makes me smile. My husband is so cute.

We've decided to try out some cloth diapers. Here are some things we're looking for and the companies we look at and their pro's and con's, according to us, of course.

* Quality! It's all about quality. When forking out all the money it takes to get our whole cloth diaper system, we want something that is going to work and provide us with something that we can use for our son and beyond!

* Simplicity! Senior isn't patient when it comes to stuff like this, so it has to be easy to use. Such as, remove the dirty one, throw it in a pail, place a clean one under his bum, secure it, done. It has to be easy. All the cleaning and "restuffing" will be up to me. Everything else, however, has to be very simple to use.

* Great Value! We don't want to fork out $400 for 12 diapers. If we're going to pay that much money, we want something that is going to last us for a long time. After all, $400 in disposables could last us about 5 months. We just want something that's worth the money.

* Snaps! I'm terrified that the velcro will wear out and I'll have to replace it after a year's use.. See bullet #2.

* Adjust-ability! My son is 4 months old, 14 pounds and 26 inches long. I need one that will fit my long and skinny babe. A must, for sure!

We're looking at the following companies but are unsure about a few things with each company, however, we do have our favorite, that's for sure:

1. BumGenius: We love the fact that they have extra inserts and you can reuse the newborn inserts for extra absorbency during the evening, if needed. Con: Velcro.

2. FuzzyBunz: We love the snaps!!! LOVE.THE.SNAPS. Love the color pallet. Love the one-size-fits-all. Love it all really! Con: Kind of expensive!

3. Flip: We love the colors and love the fact that they have disposable inserts as well as cloth for outings and such. Love the price. Con: A little difficult for Senior.

(He would get confused to have to snap a new liner in while trying to change the little man. It would be disastrous. I can see it now.)

4. gDiapers: We love the colors. Love the price. Love the ability to use cloth and disposable liners. Con: Complicated for Senior.

Do you use cloth diapers? Do you have any advice for the diapers that you use? What are the pro's and con's to your diapering system?


Monday, March 15, 2010

Tough Times

One of the toughest times to deal with, as a parent, are the times that you have to listen to your child cry when there is nothing that you can do. One of the ways to make the situation worse is when you're the one who's causing the crying and upset in your precious little bundle of joy. One of those times, in particular, is when you take them in to get their vaccinations. You're the one who took them there. You're the one who okay'd their vaccinations and the one who scheduled the appointment. You're doing it for their own good, but regardless, it hurts to see your child cry. To watch them wince in pain, scream and hold their breath because what is happening is HURTING. It rips your heart out.

Today has been one of those hard days. I have been extremely blessed to have a boy who sleeps in till 1 o'clock in the afternoon and his appointment was at 11am, so not only did we loose an hour of sleep (thanks to the ever so freaking lovely Daylight Savings Time.. UGH) but I also had to wake him up out of his perfect content slumber, to get him dressed and off to his doctor's appointment. He was not a happy camper. He was tired, he was blinded by the sun, which was PISSING.HIM.OFF and when he finally did wake up enough to pop a big ol' grin, we stabbed him in the legs... FOUR.TIMES! F.O.U.R. The poor guy.

He's now in his swing, sleeping the afternoon away. After he got food, first, of course. Because I don't care how upset you are, or how much pain you're in... food is comforting! Even for babies. I love the little booger.

Oh and because I'm a weird mom and because I am cool like that, I have to keep track of his band-aids..

2m Appointment - Band-Aid: Snoopy!
4m Appointment - Band-Aid: Daffy Duck!

Here's his 4 month stats:

13 pounds 15.2 ounces
25 3/4 inches long
16 3/4 inch head

Speaking of my little angel.. someone's awake! Gotta run!

If you haven't entered the Giveaway for the WondaWedge, feel free to do so! Contest ends at noon on March 31, 2010!!