Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I title this one, "Shhh... Rachael Ray is on!"



  1. Such a cute picture. I love the pink mouse as well. I need to get myself one of those. :P

  2. Hi Stephanie, thanks for visiting my blog, via Sarah's blog. So, you are a fellow Mackey! I love the name too!
    Your blog is real sweet, and your baby is adorable.

  3. Haha! TV eyes! So cute, and he's getting so big already! Tell that little man to SLOW DOWN! What a doll baby! <3 I love him so!

  4. This is exactly what my daughter does and tries to do while nursing if I have the TV on!! I laugh every time, they are soo flexible!!

  5. Ahh, I miss those moments! I loved nursing in front of the tv, my cell phone and computer within arms reach. Now, my #1 is two years old and all I get to watch while nursing #2 is seseme street! Enjoy your moments with you little guy, he is precious!


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