Stepping Stones Together is an personalized online program designed to assist us in helping our children not only read better but enjoy reading. They have a choice of 30 themed stories from their beginning reading library which has been categorized into 3 reading levels. The program also includes over 100 reading comprehension questions that have been designed to build your child's level of reading comprehension, thinking, reading fluency, speaking and writing abilities. Stepping Stones Together also includes a daily writing program to help extend your child's reading and writing abilities. It's includes extension games, personalized behavior incentive chart and personalized certificates for completing a leveled series every 10 days. Stepping Stones Together also provides parents with E-Alerts which help keep you on target with your child's individualized program as well as gives you access to blogs and newsletters to provide you with current research as well as tips and tricks to help engage new readers. Stepping Stones Together is designed for children ages 3 to 7, however, they acknowledge that children are ready to read at different ages. Is your child ready for Stepping Stones Together?
As you're probably wondering, my son is 10.5 months old. How in the world did I review Stepping Stones Together? Well, my little LAMB's (Life As Mom - I just added the B because I thought it was cute - don't judge), of course I had a few super amazing readers (and they're wonderful children) come to the rescue! I had them review the product and answer a few short questions about the program.
Stepping Stones Together was reviewed by the following people:
Ruth and her 7 year old daughter, M. Ruth can also be found blogging over at
My Devotional Thoughts. Here is what Ruth had to say about Stepping Stones Together:
How old is the child or children that you were interested in using this product on?
7 years old
What made you want to test this product on your child?
My daughter loves reading, but sometimes it is hard to get her to read.
What is your favorite and least favorite part or section of the program?
I really like the fact that it has many high interest book subjects. I also like the questions at the end--writing prompts especially. I think if you were homeschooling your child especially, you could really put the time into this that you need to. For the average parent, he/she will probably not take the necessary time to go through this with his/her kids. The incentive program is pretty nice. I wish that the books were in color--I think that animations and colors would make it more exciting for kids.
What is your overall impression of the program? It is a good program for the most part, but I think a lot of children would lose interest. My daughter is way beyond this reading level, but even so, the lack of color and interactive features would not keep her interest. It would not be something my daughter would have ever liked. I like the incentive program and the questions, but I think that it also requires a lot of time from busy parents. I need something that my daughter can do more on her own.
Would you be interested in purchasing this program for your children? I think the price is a little high. I'd like to see it offered at a better price.
Overall Rating: 6/7
Lindsay and her 4 year old daughter, R. Lindsay can also be found blogging over at
Life on Packard Family Farm. Here is what Lindsay had to say about Stepping Stones Together:
How old is the child or children that you were interested in using this product on?
4 years old
What made you want to test this product on your child?
She's learning to read and loves the process. I wanted to make it fun for her.
What is your favorite and least favorite part or section of the program?
I loved the coloring books. A great way for her to review and become familiar with the words while reading and coloring. My least favorite was the fact that it wasn't very phonics based. I really want her to learn to sound out words and the stories, while simple, don't follow the most basic phonics rules in the first set, so I would be basically helping her memorize versus letting her sound out the words herself.
What is your overall impression of the program?
I think it's a brilliant concept.
Would you be interested in purchasing this program for your children?
I would probably purchase this for my daughter after she had already learned to read, as more of a practice and review.
Overall Rating: 7.5 as a 'learn-to-read' program & 9 as a 'review-and-practice' program
This contest is CLOSED!
Congrats to the winner, C's Mommy!
I would like to send a special Thank You to Stepping Stones Together for providing us the item reviewed as well as the giveaway item(s)! I was not compensated in any other way for this post and will not receive commission off sales. These are my own honest opinions that have not been swayed by the company in any way.